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Connecting with the divine source, asking through the heart and increasing awareness can lead to a continuous and stable development of the spiritual self. This collection of inspiring prayers has been written to help the reader heal specific problems through the power of spiritual growth. This leads to becoming a more fulfilled, balanced, tolerant and loving person realizing one’s divine potential.

This practice will lead to the development of a multi-dimensional heart, giving us insight to make decisions in accordance with universal law, resulting in an ability to master every life situation. The prayers will enable you to effectively activate your self-healing powers, and help elevate life to a higher plane of consciousness and joyful reality.

Buy here:

Watkins Publishing (1. August 2013)
ISBN-10: 1780285477
ISBN-13: 978-1780285474


Prayers of Manifestation

Buch (englisch)

₤ 11,99


Arpi Mürwald - Ama*Ryjlla

Burgstrasse 16/3
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

Telefon: +43 2243 26088
Mobil: +43 676 35 19 881
Fax: +43 2243 26088


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